Tuesday, March 8, 2022

8 March 2022 Update

 Good afternoon everyone,

I hope you are all well and looking forward to getting on with your gardening, once the lighter evenings are with us again.

Apologies for not getting back to you sooner, but thanks so much for coming along to the talk with Piers Lunt last month. It was a very interesting talk, from yet another of the very talented head gardeners we have in the area. l'm sure we're looking forward to visiting the Tywi Gateway gardens later in the year. 

Our next talk is next Wednesday the 9th of March and at 7pm, and I expect like us you're looking forward to Paul and Liz O'Neill from Llwyngarreg and their talk entitled "Growing Acid Loving Plants".

Please see a message from Liz:-
If you have used plant pots you don't want, then can you please bring them along for Paul and Liz. They use them for plant sales, which goes to finance their garden at Llwyngarreg. Which in turn raises money for charities. Also there will be some plants on sale on the night. 

Please see a message from Adele:-
Joseph (Aberglasney) has given us a tray of Cleome ‘Rose Queen’ seedlings for our garden group. They are ready to be pricked out, so Adele will bring them to Wednesday’s meeting. So please bring along small containers. 

Many thanks to Joseph for this very kind gesture, and to Adele for making this happen.

Our talk on April the 6th is with Jake Rayson and is titled "Community Forest Gardens", although I will confirm this at a later date.

A list of garden visits will follow some time next month, but in the interim, see NGS list below.

As for Covid, the WAG restrictions have now been relaxed, although if you wish to wear a mask and socially distance, then please do so. Since whatever you are comfortable with, works for us all.

Kind regards,
