Saturday, January 22, 2022

Jan 2022 Talk - change of date


With regard to the hydroponics talk with Bryony Gardener at the village hall next week.
Apologies, but the date has now changed from Wednesday the 26th to Friday the 28th of January at 7pm, the entry fee is £2/person.
If you could let me know if you are attending please, then this would be appreciated.
As far as covid is concerned: Please carry out an LFT before hand, then sanitise your hands on entering the hall, wear a face covering and adopt social distancing whilst in the hall.
There will be some ventilation of the building, so please wear warm clothing.
Roy James

Sunday, January 9, 2022

8 Jan 2022 Update

 Good afternoon everyone, 

As far as the weather today is concerned, it's certainly not the best, but at least we have the hope that better days are ahead. So time to order those seeds and plants perhaps?

Firstly, many thanks for attending the talk with Aberglasney Head Gardener Joseph Atkin last Wednesday. As usual Joseph was a fountain of knowledge and enthusiasm, which all goes to inspire us to get gardening, I hope!
My thanks to Mary Megarry {VH Treasurer} for organising the payment on our behalf. 

Thanks also to Adele for volunteering to coordinate the sourcing of suppliers of wildflower bulbs, so more information to follow soon.

Incidentally, our next Gardening Group talk will be on Wednesday the 26th of January and at the village hall {7pm}.
The speaker will be Bryony Gardner and the talk relates to Hydroponics. We don't have any more detail than that at the moment, but will get back to you when we do.
At this point in time, the Covid precautions remain the same as before, and if you can carry out a LFT in the days leading up to the 26th. Then please do so, although we will send a reminder closer to this date.

If you wish to order seeds and or plants from suttons, then the unique order code is SUGS4025Z the discount is 50% off packet seeds and 15% from all other items, and that's all from their current catalogue.

In the past we've ordered specialist seeds from the Real Seed company, see

Also, Tavernspite Garden Centre offers a good selection of plant plugs including tomato and brassicas etc, as well as seeds. 

Finally, if anyone is interested in a workshop cafe. Along the lines of learning new diy and repair skills, then get back to me please on

Kind regards,
