Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Garden Club Formed 2023

 Last month we held our Gardening Group Annual General Meeting {AGM}, and if you weren't already aware, we have now formed Llanteg & District Gardening Club {LDGC}, all of which is a big step forward.

We now have a committee and elected Chair - Vice Chair - Secretary - Treasurer, and as for the Club constitution, it is in the process of being finalised and when it's signed off then I will let you know.
At a subsequent Club meeting, we decided to charge an annual membership fee of £15 per person and this will be due on December the 1st, although if anyone doesn't wish to join LDGC then the charge for each talk would be £3 per person, so don't forget you are all welcome.
So the advantages of being a Club member is that you pay £15 for at least six winter talks, rather than £18 for six or more talks, also being a Club member allows us to buy plants/seeds/compost etc in bulk and at whatever discount we can negotiate.
Our next gardening talk is on Wednesday the 29th of November and at 7pm at the Village Hall, and is with Matthew Tebbutt from Pembrokeshire Coast National Park. The subject of Matt's talk is about Invasive Species & their Venom/Poison and Medical Benefits, and there will be tea/coffee at the end of the evening.
If you wish to pay your annual membership on the night, then we will provide you with a receipt and there will be no further charge, if you don't wish to become a Club member, then the charge will be £3 per person.
We also have a talk on Wednesday the 6th of December when the speaker will be Joseph Atkin who was Head Gardener at Aberglasney for a number of years.
there is also a Winter Fair at Aberglasney which is being held on December 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, if you've not been before then Aberglasney is well worth a visit and will help raise our Christmas spirit.
Kind regards,