Tuesday, August 16, 2022

AGM Sept 2022

 The annual meeting of the Gardening Group will be on Wednesday the 7th of September and at 7:30pm at the Village Hall, an agenda will follow, but if you would like to add any item, then get in touch, and please come along.

Agenda Items:
Forming a Gardening Club?
Membership Fee?
Maintenance of Community Area's
Garden Visits?
Gardening Talks?
Gardening Workshops?

Finally, we could do with some help in weeding and generally tidying up the common community areas in the village, special attention is required at the Old School Garden, whilst the other areas require a little work after the wild flowers have died back later in the year. So if you can lend a hand, then please email me and we will set a date. 

Many thanks for all your support and time.

Kind regards,
