Monday, November 23, 2020

23 Nov 2020 Update

 Good evening everyone,

I hope you all had a good day and that you spent some time outdoors enjoying the best of the weather.

I've arranged a visit to Aberglasney along with a walk and talk with Joseph Atkin (Head Gardener) on Friday the 27th of November, sorry for the short notice, but it looks like from the weather perspective, then Friday may be the best day of the week.
I'm hoping that we can meet up at Aberglasney at 11am and then either have a w&t with Joseph before or after lunch, obviously social distancing and the wearing of face covering indoors applies, and if there are any other precautions in place, then I will make you aware.
As I understand, the entry fee for non members is £9:50 with vouchers to the same value and for use in the restaurant on the day, see Aberglasney notice below.
Can you tell me if you are attending on Friday please, just to give Joseph an idea of our numbers, also note that the cost of the w&t will be £60 which will come out of our existing funds.

Kind regards,
