Good afternoon everyone,
I hope you are well and not too busy, although we can at least see blue sky and the
, so just enjoy!
If you step outside tonight, then have a look in the Eastern sky and the bright red planet (Mars), will be the brightest it's been since 2003, or you can wait till 2052 (year).
Meanwhile on earth, I have confirmed a visit to Llwyngarreg garden on Saturday the 17th of October and starting at 2pm, anyone wishing to come along can either meet us at Llwyngarreg or we can travel in convoy from the village hall (leaving at 1:15pm). The charge is £5, and we can wear masks, apply social distancing, and sanitize.....
Just take care.
Many thanks to all who cut and weeded the Old School Garden (OSG) last Saturday, it really is looking good now, and hopefully in the spring the snowdrops and bluebells will have a chance to bloom again. There is a little more cutting and weeding to do, so we are planning another session on Saturday the 24th of October and between 1pm and 4pm, so any help would be appreciated.
Also, we have some fruit bushes to plant out and there are a few apple tree's on their way from Keep Wales Tidy, so we can create a community orchard, and in the spring there is a plan to sow some wild flowers, so hence the need to cut back the brambles and ivy etc at the OSG.
As for our zoom meeting on Friday, can we discuss having a virtual Christmas show and along the lines of the summer show please, we should have some more information regarding the village hall ?
Finally, if you are interested in cutting the weeds/grass at Crunwere churchyard, then please get in touch?
Kind regards,