Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Llanteg Garden Club AGM 2024

 Wednesday 4th December – Llanteg Garden Club AGM at Llanteg Hall. Please come along if you can because your support and ideas would be much appreciatedFor details contact Roy James 831468, Roy.James1536@gmail.com

Sunday, November 24, 2024

24 Nov 24 Update

 Good day everyone,

Hope all's well with you and your families, and that you're in the warm and out of the cold and windy weather.

Our next gardening related talk is on Wednesday the 27th of November and at 7pm in the village hall, when our speaker will be Rob Probert who lives at Fordslake Templeton. Rob worked at The Royal Botanic Gardens (Kew), and the title of his talk is "55 years of seed banking at the Royal Botanical Gardens Kew" which promises to be very interesting, to say the least!

Remember you don't have to be a gardening club member, since you are all welcome to come along, the cost for those who aren't club members is £3 per person and this includes tea/coffee/biscuits.

On a different subject, our AGM is on the 4th of December and at 7pm LVH, if you would like to add anything to the AGM agenda, then please let me know.

Kind regards,
