Monday, June 10, 2019

10th June 2019 Update

Good evening everyone,
Hope you all had a great day in the garden, or just enjoying the weather.

Firstly Andrew Martin from the Carmarthenshire Meadows Group has kindly agreed to give us a talk on meadows and bees at the VH on the 26th of June at 7pm.
Please make every effort to attend, see link below.

Also, have booked a visit to Aberglasney on the 12th of July, so can you confirm you’re attending as soon as possible please.
The reason being is that if we have more than ten people (excluding members), then the entrance fee is £7:60 per person, and the charge for Joseph’s (head gardener) talk is £60 (not each) total. The usual entrance fee is £8:90.
Suggest that in order to get value from the day. Then we arrive at 11am and start the talk with Joseph (1hr) either before or after lunch. We can have lunch in the restaurant or bring your own, then conclude by taking a further look at the gardens?
The gardens open at 10:30am and close at 6pm.

Will confirm dates for Picton Castle, Scolton Manor and Upton Castle at a later date, but if anyone has any other preferences, then please get in touch.

Finally are there any further volunteers for the Kilgetty in Bloom judging please? 

Kind regards,

Friday, June 7, 2019

7th June 2019 Update

Good day everyone,
We’ve been asked if we could provide two people to judge the Kilgetty in Bloom competition, and I’m looking for two volunteers please.
I have more details, but basically the judging takes place between 9:30am and 3pm on the 10th of July, lunch is provided.
If anyone is interested then please get back to me please.…§ionIs=news&searchyear=2018
What about a Garden in Bloom competition for our community?
Also, I’ve contacted Andrew Martin from the Carmarthenshire Meadows Group regarding giving us a talk on Meadow flowers and bees. The talk would be at the village hall and on a Wednesday evening and in June or July. Will get back to you to confirm a date and time.
As for visiting Aberglasney. I’ve asked Joseph (head gardener) for available dates in July, and await a reply. The charge would be £7-60 per person provided we had more than ten attending, plus the £60 (total) for the talk with Joseph.
In August, I thought we could visit Picton Castle, but would appreciate your views on what day is best for you, and will then go with the consensus.
Finally, if there’s interest, then we could visit Scolton Manor in late August or early September, will get back to you with more information.
Kind regards,